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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The Ebb and Flow of The Ville...

As in the Decembers of years passed, things are beginning to look a little more like Gainesville around here. The nomadic members of the university's student body have begun their semester's-end migration back to whatever place it is that tempts their desire never to return.

But we all know they all come home, and until they do life in Gainesville will be a little bit slower, traffic will be a whole hell of a lot lighter and those long, cold lines to get into downtown bars and clubs will be- for a far too brief period of time- gone.

No worry, other than booze and techno there isn't too much out there to tempt us away from our heated blankets in this ungodly-cold 65 degree weather we have here in Florida.

If you're hankering for a ho-down, though, keep an eye on

Until 2007...


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